Robin's Random Snippets and Loose Thoughts

Location: United States

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Big Lizard of '07 ....oh and Happy Valentine's Day

I'm baaaaaack!!!!!

Blogger hated me for weeks. It wasn't that I forgot or stopped caring. Blogger has been rejecting me for weeks (and I did a whole post about how I was feeling rejected by it and the irs...they won't accept my e-filing for technical reasons...but blogger rejected it and kept telling me it didn't remember me on this computer...harsh! Am I not pretty enough, I used a curling iron and put on my skinny pants and everything! Not witty enough?)'s Valentine's Day and everyone loves me again.

So, how's the weather out there? We're snowed in. For TWO days! The kids are literally starting to tear each other apart. Out of love. That, and my daughter keeps going to the window and asking, "Mom, where's the Big Lizard? I don't see the Big Lizard. Can it get in my bedroom?"

Had no idea what she meant 'til it dawned on me she'd been hearing us say a blizzard was coming. Can you imagine? She handled it pretty well, but in adult world, what if say the President or someone came on the news and said a Big Lizard was coming. Yeah...she handled it waaay better than I would have.



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