Location: United States

Monday, September 03, 2007

Frick and Frack on the Night Before School Starts

Frick was a basket case. He always is. He cried coming off the bus on the last day of school because he was going to miss his teacher. He cried tonight because he said he was nervous. What if there are bullies? What if he can't find his room. Frick hangs on pretty tight. He's like his mother that way. We talked him down. Showed him the yearbook picture so he'd recognize his new teacher (bad mommy...we went on vacation the night of Meet the Teacher...I blame Frick's's his role after all). Frick is sweet and sensitive and his new teacher is about to experience how great a kid he is (I'm his mom...this is my role).

***short attention span break in, Anderson Cooper is picking on Joan Rivers 'cuz her face is too tight! Original, cutting edge stuff AC!***

Oh, Frick. I'm hoping he has a good day. I think he's going to be great.


I can't fully explain the experience with just words. But...imagine the parental handling and pretzel twisting we were doing with Frick. Meanwhile, overlaying it all is Frack. She is flitting...and I MEAN flitting...(What's with me and my compulsion to use elipses AND parentheticals? Oh is my way). Flitting around the house with her newly acquired Hello Kitty backpack (See earlier post. I lost the 5 lbs too!) She is trying to stuff every pencil, crayon and scrap of paper in the house into it. She is squealing in the background during the aforementioned intervention about her lunch. (Mind you, this is 1/2 day kindergarten. She eats at home. I hadn't the heart to tell her). "Gotta have an apple! Ha! That's not an apple. That's a PEAR! Silly pear. Ooooh...jello!" We hear the sound of crushed ice spilling across the vinyl tile floor from the dispenser. "I gotta fill my cup!"

The good news is, I'm working first thing in the a.m. so Father of Frick/Frack is getting him to school. I told him good luck breaking it to Frack that she can't take the newly packed and matching Hello Kitty lunch box w/ her 'cuz she won't need it. He's gonna be in truhbul!!!!

And this is how we roll. I hope to have pictures soon.


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