Robin's Random Snippets and Loose Thoughts

Location: United States

Sunday, July 31, 2005

This week's reason to call Social Services

It's started. The Great Sassy War. See, Anna (age 2) still takes a pacifier at bedtime and naptime. She calls it a sassy (the pacifier, not the nap) I know, it's shameful, I suppose (the sassy usage, not the nap). But see, she still TAKES a nap. She's almost 3, this is huge. I know we need to cut her off soon, but I'm not ready to start screwing with her nap wa. What if she stops sleeping altogether in protest (it's been known to happen).

The Darling Husband has been putting serious pressue on me/her to get rid of the stinky things. Um...did I mention he's almost never home during nap/bedtime? My point, if I've gotta deal with it, then I should have to deal with it. In other words, back the hell off.

His point, she's almost 3, it's getting freaky.

So, he tried to go around me and reason with her. Got her to agree that "tomorrow" they would cut the nipples off her sassies. Problem, Anna thinks every increment of time that is not right now is tomorrow. Therefore, as long as whatever it is is happening tomorrow, then it will never happen.


Until I overheard her talking to anyone who would listen at T-ball practice. "Hi, I'm Anna. My Daddy's gonna cut my nipples off tomorrow."


--more nipple-themed blogging later's been that kind of a week

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Crying Sandwiches and Other Knee-slappers

My daughter is a comedian (or comedienne...sp?...never understood the need for gender specification on this one, and yet, I'm okay with actor vs. actress...I digress). It all started when John learned some knock knock jokes. He was best at telling the boo hoo one (y'know, boo, boo hoo, why are you crying?)

Here's Anna's version and greatest hits (remember, she's 2).

Knock, knock.

Who's There.


Sandwich who?

Sandwich boo hoo.


Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Juice who?

Juice boo hoo.


Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Sunglasses who?

Sunglasses boo hoo.

Get it? Don't worry, I'm sure it'll hit you later.
