Location: United States

Monday, September 11, 2006

Remember 11th

I started the day with the idea that I would avoid the news. Every year, I make that same promise and every year I break it. I also hadn't intended to write anything meloncholy. The blog-o-sphere and everything else is covered with it. But, I couldn't help it. Somehow, it's my duty, it's everyone's duty to bear witness again. It's almost like the least I can do is watch T.V., silly as that sounds.

Where was I on September 11th? My son was 15 months old and he'd had some issues with his kidney. We were (my husband, my son, I) in the hospital with him getting some disappointing news. He was going to have to have surgery...again. They let us go home. We walked into the hallway and saw a group of people gathered around the T.V. in the surgical waiting room. We just wanted out of there. Whatever it was, we'd catch it on the news at home. We didn't make it out of the building before somebody said it was a plane. We didn't make it out of the parking lot before we realized it was on purpose. When we turned on the radio, they were grounding all of the civilian air traffic. When we got home, when my son was settled...I went to vote.

My husband is in law enforcement and in our city (in every city) they were rounding up volunteers. He wanted to go. He felt it was his duty. I wouldn't let him. I was selfish and I feel guilty about that, but I know I would be again. His duty was here. Our son still had to have surgery. I donated blood. For the longest time, I felt like I didn't have anyplace to go in my head to get away from it. No happy place.

My son had his surgery and he is fine. Thank God. He is fine. Now we've survived our first week of All-Day Kindergarten. He's talking about it. Last year, I couldn't get a word out of him about what happened at school. Now he's a regular chatterbox. He's made a friend already and a couple of school bus-buddies. He's officially "out there." I have good vibes about this year (which I hopefully haven't just squashed by saying that).

And that was my day.



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